Saturday, October 9, 2010

AfriGeneas Friends Meet Each Other at AAHGS Conference

Selma Steward, (Selma) Shelley Murpshy (keli1) are joined
by a new friend at the Saturday Luncheon

Friends enjoy the luncheon before afternoon sessions

Aaron Dorsey (Khathu) has a quietly monitors the table 
before friends return to AfriGeneas Table

AfriGeneas chatters Khathu (Aaron Dorsey), EVPace (Veronica Pace) 
and Ingrid Doweary share a moment monitoring the AfriGeneas Table 

Selma & AYWalton at AfriGeneas Table 
(photo taken and shared by Shelley Murphy (keli1)

Kelley Bowman from African Ancestry DNA, shared literature with
visitors in the Vendors Area.

The second day of workshops went well on this second full day of the AAHGS conference.  Workshops and speakers covered topics from Genealogical books, methods for local community history, African-Native American genealogy and more were shared.

A highlight for most genealogy conferences comes from those who get a chance to see old friends, make new friends and also meet face to face, persons they have only known online, and this conference was no different.  That happened today, as members of the online AfriGeneas community met at the exhibit table and finally put a face to the names that they see often online!

All in all the day went well, and the conference ends tonight with a banquet followed by the much anticipated conference social afterwards.

This is one of the events bringing winding down the genealogical calendar for the year.  This year has been full and brought new ideas and stimulating discussions for all who have been able to participate. 

We can only look forward to another year.

Images from the AAHGS Conference 2010

AAHGS National President, Charles Howard, spends a friendly moment
with Ingrid Doweary at the AfriGeneas Table

The annual conference for the Afro-American Historical Genealogical Society (AAHGS) has begun at the Marriott Conference Center & Inn, at the University of Maryland, in Adelphi Maryland. Researchers from around the country have come together to share ideas, meet old and new friends, and learn.

I had the honor to represent, the online resource for African Ancestored genealogists.  Meeting individuals who were familiar with AfriGeneas was a pleasure.

The author's luncheon hosted three authors, who shared stories of the inspiration of their book.  I was delighted to see Tracye McQuirter, whom I have known for several years among the authors presenting.

Author's Luncheon

Meeting author Tracye McQuirter

I did get a chance to sit in on a session, in the afternoon. Selma Stewart, president of the Hampton Roads AAHGS spoke about an interesting indexing project that her chapter work undertook, with vital records from Newport News, VA.

Selma Stewart explains her chapter's indexing project.

I look forward to a second full day. In addition, I will be presenting a session in the afternoon, on methods of researching "Blended Families---African & Native American Ancestors."